Monday, August 31, 2009

Kueh Bakar Pandan....

Donno why I'm so enthusiastic today to make entries one after another...maybe because of I'd been silent all this while, almost a month I think... today is the tenth day of the moment my hubby and our 3 gorgeous men are having their tarawikh at Masjid,, loyal with my laptop.... tonite me not going tarawikh coz...coz....hehe....

this ramadhan... I'm so much excited making and baking 'kueh tradisional'..... I know that I'm not that expert in making this kind of 'kueh' but I really wanna give myself a challenge...yeehaaaa..

on da 2nd day...hehe.. am started with baking this 'kueh' with the title up there... this 'kueh' is for all, not only people named Bakar can eat this.... ;)... got this recipe from rnet and because of my skill in baking authentics aka tradisional dishes is not yet been proved..(but who's gonna prove this..kih kih..) so, for my first attempt I decided to make it half of the recipe until I feel slightly regret after that...why?? continue reading k...hihi

Kueh Bakar Pandan


3 1/2 cups of coconut milk (santan)
5 - 6 nos eggs
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup pandan water (~ use abt 10 pandan leaves)
2 cups flour

sesame (bijan) ~ optional (this one I don't use)

How to make :

- Whisk sugar & eggs till the sugar dissolve
- Add in all other ingredients except sesame.... stir till all well mix and sift
- Put in the mould till almost full... (I used 'loyang pecah 8'..the 'bunga2' one lor.. )
- Bake in the pre-heated oven at 180C for 35-40 minutes...
- spread the sesame on top when it is half-cooked ... (but I didn' don't like bijan ;)
- of course remove from the oven when it is fully cooked....if will be kueh bakar pandan tebakar hangus...ngeeee.......

**I don't have time to capture the outcome... coz once we break our fast that day... each one's hand seems to go to the same plate.... and because of I did this into half of the recipe, so managed to get only 3 moulds which is one is ours, one I gave to my sis-in-law next door and another one to makcik or nenek, our rear neighbour....

from the feedback from my dearest hubby, whoaaa....who seems not enough with that only one mould 'kueh'... "this is a perfect 'kueh bakar' that I have ever taste... so you can start sell this one laa..." kih kih..... but deep in my heart says, this 'kueh' has become 'extra2 sodap' just because you guys 'berebut2' menyantap.... hihi


  1. wah shiela! one of my fav kueh! My aunties are all experts when it comes to kueh bakar.. but i never knew it is that simple..

    patutlah eksyen je makcik2 den tuh! will try this recipe definitely! :P

    ada org tu english dah power!

  2. yezz nina..cuba laa...senang sesangat

    Shiela yg baru first time buat ni pun mang menjadik habih laa... u shud try b4 deliver tu tau

    ye ke dah power...waaah, me so hepi lor...
