Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kueh Bakar Labu

Salam dear....

This 'kueh' has been our top most favourite dessert during this ramadhan... to be frank with u, during this ramadhan also, I've tried to bake a few tradisional 'kueh' in order to challenge my skill in baking these category of 'kueh'... and yet it was worth trying... all the family members especially my hubby and my 2nd son are the top fans of this 'kueh bakar'... my 2nd son once told me, "ummi, this is a lot better than the green one that u baked before, that one is quite common la ummi... but this one ummmm.... so yummy la ummi..."

Whoaaa.. to have the compliments from my both top fans... I'm so much thankful to Bro Rozzan (though I don't have the chance to know him  ;). From his blog I managed to get this wonderful recipe.. thanx again bro... so, here is the recipe........

Kueh Bakar Labu 

500  gm   tepung gandum / wheat flour
800  ml  santan / coconut milk  (from 1 1/2 grated coconut)
1/2  sudu teh garam / tsp salt
1/2  sudu teh pewarna kuning / yellow colouring ( I don't use this)
1/2  sudu teh esen vanila / vanilla essence ( don't use also)

300  gm  labu kuning / yellow pumpkin
200  ml air / water
5  biji  telur / nos eggs
500  gm  gula kaster / castor sugar ( I only use 400 gm.. )

Cara membuatnya :
-  Labu di potong 4 atau 6 bahagian. Cuci bersih, buang biji tetapi jangan dibuang kulitnya. Rebus sehingga lembut, baru dikopek kulitnya & dikisar dengan 200 ml air hingga lumat
-  Pukul telur & gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan santan, garam, vanila, tepung dan labu. Pukul sampai halus dan tapis
- Panaskan 'oven' pada suhu 180C. Kemudian panaskan acuan yang hendak digunakan setelah dileser dgn minyak. Tuang adunan ke dalam acuan sehingga 3/4 penuh. Bakar hingga kekuningan dan masak.....

**Panduan : Santan boleh diganti dgn 1 tin 400 ml santan kotak + 400 ml air = 800 ml santan

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