Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bread Pudding & Sauce

Puding Roti & Sos

Bahan A (Ingredient A) :
500 ml susu segar / fresh milk
8 keping roti / slices of bread (normally I use gardenia)

Bahan B (Ingredient B) :
4 sudu besar gula halus / tbsp castor sugar
2 sudu besar mentega / tbsp butter ( heat till melt)
2 biji telur / nos eggs
1 sudu teh esen vanila / tsp vanilla essence
1 sudu besar tepung jagung / tbsp corn flour

How To Make :

1. Tear or cut the bread into small pieces and soak in the milk for half an hour
2. Stir well the ingredient B and pour in the soaked bread in (1)and stir again until fully blended
3. Bake in the pre-heated oven at 180C for 30 minutes or until fully cooked (you may see it becomes yellowish on top)
4. Let it cool before store in the fridge

Custard Sauce

1 tin susu cair  / can of condensed milk
2 sudu besar tepung kastad / tbsp of custard powder
2 sudu besar gula / tbsp coarse sugar

To make the custard sauce :
Stir the custard and sugar with 2 tbsp of  condensed milk until the custard powder is well blended. Then heat the rest of the milk on a medium heat and pour in the custard mixture and stir well. Let it cool before store in the fridge.

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