Friday, July 24, 2009

Homemade Nasi Impit

after being cooked... voila!
before cook...
the rice level should be slightly below
the diagonal line

Assalamu'alaykum again...

Are all of you in the pink of health today? Alhamdulillah, in whatever state of health we are now, we should not fail from thanking and be grateful to ALlah s.w.t for His great advantages and very pleasing gifts to each of everyone of us...By remembering Him then the heart will be in the calmness, for sure....

My entry this time is to share with all the readers here on how to make the homemade 'Nasi Impit'..Do you guys know what is nasi impit? Nasi impit is a compressed or compact form of rice. We normally cook the rice in a holey thermal plastic (plastik tahan panas) in a large quantity of water...Soon, when the rice is cooked, then it will become compressed and compact.

How to cook :
a few pieces of thermal plastic
some rice

Put the rice in the plastic and hold diagonally (pic above). The rice level should be slightly lower than the diagonal line. Then, you must staple the opening and make holes on it by using satay stick, toothpick or any sharp object. Place it in a pot with a suitable amount of water and cook. Once it cooked, drain the water and let it cool. Then you can cut it into cubes....

(I ensure you, once you try this one out, you'll love its tender and soft texture of nasi impit. It is much better than the ready-made, no more buying that one (+ wasting money)... make your own...k! So you guys can have this nasi impit with my previous entry (Lodeh Bandung & Kuah Kacang) together.......!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lodeh Bandung & Kuah Kacang.... + nasi impit

Lodeh Bandung

I do feel the flu is coming this morning...yez indeed, it makes me weak physically & emotionally, but despite that uncomfortable feeling...and of course with the help from my maid, I still force myself to cook these dishes especially for my mom-in-law who is now staying with us during the week days. I noticed that she lost her appetite lately so I decided to cook this kind of menu today. I hope she will enjoy it....

After sending my 2nd son to school for his UPSR trial (actually he is still in MC due to his right humerus fractured) & chatting with Nina and Kak Inah at the school canteen, I started my 'journey' today to find all the ingredients needed. So, here it is.........

Lodeh Bandung
500 gm daging/udang
(daging direbus dgn pressure cooker terlebih dahulu)

3 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
1 biji bawang besar
1/2 inci halia
1/2 inci lengkuas
1 biji tomato
2-3 biji cili merah
2 biji buah keras
cekur (optional)
(semua bahan di atas dikisar halus)

3 sudu besar cili kering kisar

bunga kobis (dipotong kecil)
carrot (didadu)
ubi kentang (didadu)
kacang panjang (dipotong kecil)
(kuantiti sayur2an terpulang kpd masing2)

sedikit santan (~200ml)
air (~1 liter)

Cara membuat :

-Tumis bahan2 kisar sehingga naik bau
-Masukkan cili kering kisar

-Masukkan air, kentang dan karot diikuti dgn daging dan air rebusannya
-Masukkan bunga kobis dan kacang panjang
-Akhir sekali, masukkan santan...sesuaikan rasa dengan garam & gula secukupnya
-....dah siap dan boleh diangkat

**masak sayur2an jgn jadi terlampau lembut
**dinasihatkan oleh pakar2 pemakanan..(ewahh), supaya tidak dicampurkan daging ayam/lembu dengan makanan laut (seafood)...

(I specially created this name of 'Lodeh Bandung' because I got the idea from the dish that we ate when we had our family trip to Bandung in 2007...the morning we left Hotel Bukit Indah, Puncak, Bogor that day....we had our breakfast and one of the dishes that I love very much that particular morning is this menu...I asked my bibik what kind of broth is that...It was just so nice, lots of veges mixed with beef and served with a light coconut milk gravy (because it's hard to find coconut over there), once reached home here, I decided to make that kind and it was so delighted to see that my family loves it very is a kind of lontong or masak lodeh actually, but none of our family members like it...but, this lodeh is actually up to our taste and also the kids...)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Apam Balik

Bahan-bahan :

2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
1/2 cawan gula
1 butir telur
1 1/2 cawan air
1/2 sudu kecil baking powder
1/2 sudu kecil pewarna kuning

Bahan taburan :

1 cawan kacang goreng ~ ditumbuk
1 cawan gula halus
1 tin jagung krim

Kaedah penyediaan :
1. Mesinkan telur dan gula (guna blender je)
2. Masukkan air, baking powder dan pewarna kuning. Mesin.
3. Masukkan tepung sedikit-sedikit dan mesin hingga tidak berketul.
4. Panaskan kuali yang disapu dengan sedikit minyak. Masukkan satu
senduk adunan. Tutup kuali sebentar.
5. Masukkan bahan tabur. Tutup semula kuali.
6. Bila kulit berwarna keperangan, bolehlah diangkat dan dilipat dua.

Nota :
1. Jika tiada tepung naik sendiri, gantikan dengan tepung gandum
dicampur dengan 1/2 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat.
2. Sekiranya menggunakan kuali tak lekat, tidak perlu disapu dengan
minyak terlebih dahulu.

(Shiela dapat resipi ni dari e-group Relaxjap...maaf tak pernah cuba lagi ni sebenarnyer..tu yg takder gambar...tapi katanya memang resipi ni boleh buat meniaga laa....cubalah yer, nanti bg feedback kt kita)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Spaghetti Sauce

I got this recipe not so sure from where, but whenever I'm craving for an Italian menu...spaghetti to be exact..this is the one that I'll be looking for..coz u guys know what?? The outcome is more or less the same like the Prego sauce...and some more, I have the doubtful feeling towards this brand as, to be on safe side, make ur own....

400 gm minced meat (beef)
1 can tomato puree (450 gm)
1 can sliced button mushroom (to drain)
250 gm mixed vegetables
2 tbsp black pepper powder
1 tsp white pepper

4 cloves garlic - minced
2 large onions - diced
2 tbsp butter

2 tbsp Oyster sauce
2 tbsp Oregano
Salt - to taste
Sugar - to taste

How to cook :
-Heat butter in pan over medium fire
-When hot, stir-fry minced garlic till fragrant
-Add onions, stir-fry till soft...add in minced beef and fry till the water dry
-Add in tomato puree and all ingredients
-Put in salt & sugar as to ur taste....
-Lastly, add oregano.....
-......ready to serve

**sorry! not yet having the photo of this. Once have then it'll be uploaded

(I used to add about 500ml water after frying the minced beef as we do like it a bit watery...Happy trying!!)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Chocolate Chip Muffin

my daughter is posing with a tray of freshly baked muffins...umm...yummy2...
3 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1/2 cawan serbuk koko
2 cawan gula halus
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp soda bikarbonat
1 tsp garam
2 cawan susu segar (Shiela bancuh pakai susu tepung jer...)
2 biji telor - dipukul sedikit
2/3 cawan minyak jagung
2 tsp esen vanila
1 1/2 cawan choc chips

Cara membuat :

-Campurkan tepung, gula, koko, baking powder, soda & garam dan diayak
-Dengan menggunakan 'mixer', pukul susu, telor, vanila & minyak hingga sebati
-Masukkan campuran tepung tadi dan dikacau rata
-Masukkan choc chips
-Isikan adunan kedalam 'papercups'...
-Bakar dalam suhu 200 C sehingga masak...(+- 20-25 min)

**Pengalaman Shiela....setiap kali membuat muffin..selalunya menggunakan hi-speed dan dibakar pada suhu tinggi iaitu pada 200 C...itu yg membuatkan dia naik berbumbung tinggi...tapi lain orang mungkin lain caranya.....

(Got this recipe from homesweethome as well...First time baked this to send to my eldest son in Indonesia....then, got a phone call from him saying many thanks for the yummy2 muffins...aaahhhsss, so touched..)

Simple Choc Cupcakes

Bahan A
2 cawan tepung serbaguna
1 cawan serbuk koko
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp soda bikarbonat
3 tsp serbuk instant nescafe
secubit garam halus

Bahan B
2 cawan gula kastor
1 cawan minyak jagung/sayur
1 cawan susu cair (atau susu segar..tapi Shiela bancuh sendiri guna susu tepung)
3 biji telor

Bahan C
3/4 cawan air panas

** (Shiela tambah kismis dalam adunan (sbb kebetulan ada, so ada rasa manis2 buah..) dan kepingan almond sbg hiasan diatas)

Cara membuat :
-Campurkan kesemua bahan A yang telah diayak..
-Dalam bekas lain, campurkan kesemua bahan B & pukul sebati..
-Putar bahan A perlahan2 sambil masukkan bahan B sedikit2...Lajukan putaran hingga semua sebati dan sedikit kembang..
-Tuang air panas & putar lagi hingga sebati
-Isikan 3/4 adunan dalam 'paper cups'...
-Bakar pada suhu 175 C selama 20-25 minit..Jika bakar utk sebiji kek, guna suhu 160 C
**(Got this recipe from homesweethome...a credit to Ummizaihadi)

Pastry Choux / Cream Puff

selepas dibakar... voila!!
I love this recipe very-very mucho...

Sebelum dibakar

1/2 liter air sejuk
200gm mentega/butter
1 sudu teh gula halus

250 gm tepung gandum
secubit garam (diayak bersama tpg)
6 biji telur

Cara membuat:
- Air, mentega dan gula ~ dimasak hingga mendidih
- Kecilkan api, masukkan tepung.
- Kacau dengan senduk kayu hingga adunan tidak melekat di periuk
- Sejukkan adunan selama 15 minit
- Masukkan telur satu persatu, pukul sampai sebati & sehingga adunan kelihatan agak berkilat
- Terapkan di atas dulang pembakar & bakar dalam oven (180C) sehingga masak
- Setelah sejuk, potong ditengah dan masukkan intinya...& dah boleh ngappppp....

** ehh...ehhh....lupa lak nak bagi resipi inti di tengahnya...hehe....

Boleh gunakan instant custard mix yang dicampur dgn air masak. Kacau sehingga semuanya sebati dan nak tau apa yang lagi best...? Shiela campur dgn cheese mixture (topping untuk carrot cake). Boleh refer di resipi carrot cake ya.. Woww, campuran filling ini memang buat kita terangkat. Cubalah yer!