Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lodeh Bandung & Kuah Kacang.... + nasi impit

Lodeh Bandung

I do feel the flu is coming this morning...yez indeed, it makes me weak physically & emotionally, but despite that uncomfortable feeling...and of course with the help from my maid, I still force myself to cook these dishes especially for my mom-in-law who is now staying with us during the week days. I noticed that she lost her appetite lately so I decided to cook this kind of menu today. I hope she will enjoy it....

After sending my 2nd son to school for his UPSR trial (actually he is still in MC due to his right humerus fractured) & chatting with Nina and Kak Inah at the school canteen, I started my 'journey' today to find all the ingredients needed. So, here it is.........

Lodeh Bandung
500 gm daging/udang
(daging direbus dgn pressure cooker terlebih dahulu)

3 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
1 biji bawang besar
1/2 inci halia
1/2 inci lengkuas
1 biji tomato
2-3 biji cili merah
2 biji buah keras
cekur (optional)
(semua bahan di atas dikisar halus)

3 sudu besar cili kering kisar

bunga kobis (dipotong kecil)
carrot (didadu)
ubi kentang (didadu)
kacang panjang (dipotong kecil)
(kuantiti sayur2an terpulang kpd masing2)

sedikit santan (~200ml)
air (~1 liter)

Cara membuat :

-Tumis bahan2 kisar sehingga naik bau
-Masukkan cili kering kisar

-Masukkan air, kentang dan karot diikuti dgn daging dan air rebusannya
-Masukkan bunga kobis dan kacang panjang
-Akhir sekali, masukkan santan...sesuaikan rasa dengan garam & gula secukupnya
-....dah siap dan boleh diangkat

**masak sayur2an jgn jadi terlampau lembut
**dinasihatkan oleh pakar2 pemakanan..(ewahh), supaya tidak dicampurkan daging ayam/lembu dengan makanan laut (seafood)...

(I specially created this name of 'Lodeh Bandung' because I got the idea from the dish that we ate when we had our family trip to Bandung in 2007...the morning we left Hotel Bukit Indah, Puncak, Bogor that day....we had our breakfast and one of the dishes that I love very much that particular morning is this menu...I asked my bibik what kind of broth is that...It was just so nice, lots of veges mixed with beef and served with a light coconut milk gravy (because it's hard to find coconut over there), once reached home here, I decided to make that kind and it was so delighted to see that my family loves it very is a kind of lontong or masak lodeh actually, but none of our family members like it...but, this lodeh is actually up to our taste and also the kids...)

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